How To Select The Best Diamond With An Oval Cut


Diamonds cut in oval shapes are becoming more sought-after these days, particularly in engagement rings. Round diamonds can be timeless, but oval diamonds are elegant and stylish. The oval shape of diamonds is a blend of the shape of the round diamond as well as the pear. Similar to a round-cut diamond, an overcut diamond is made up of an array of 58 facets, which provide it with amazing sparkle.

If you’re making your first attempt at purchasing an oval-cut diamond ring, here are some suggestions to help you pick the most suitable one.

1. Select the Ratio

An oval-shaped shape doesn’t have any specific shape. It is mostly determined by the proportion of its length. Based on the width and length you select, the form of the diamond will be either broad or narrow. The shape you choose depends on your personal preferences and the setting your diamond is set within.

While an ova-cut diamond is the ideal centerpiece for engagement rings, a diamond cut narrowly is ideal for earrings and pendants. Additionally, if you wish to embellish your engagement band using a stone on the side, then a bigger oval cut diamond would be a great choice, as illustrated in our distinctive tri-stone oval diamond engagement ring.

2. Pay Attention to the Symmetry of the Stone

An oval cut stone should be homogeneous. Not only must an oval cut diamond have the same face, it should have rounded edges that gracefully slope to the end. One of the most important aspects of a diamond that is cut orally is the fact that even the tiniest degree of disproportion will be obvious. It is best to purchase an oval-cut diamond with a reputable professional, as it requires an enormous amount of expertise to create an ideal symmetry.

3. Steer Clear of the Bow-tie

One of the main problems with a diamond cut in an oval shape is the bow tie effect. The effect is a darkened, shaped area that resembles a bow tie that appears to be in the center of the diamond when viewed from certain angles. Nearly all oval-cut diamonds possess an element of the bow-tie look, ranging from extreme to virtually completely invisible. The most effective way to determine whether a stone has a bow tie or not is to look closely at it. If the bow-tie is not the first thing to catch your attention, it is best to opt to purchase a different diamond.

4. Choose Your Color Grade

The oval shape of a diamond is great at concealing the color. Because of its amazing faceting pattern, you are able to reduce the color scale but still have a beautiful diamond. In the event that you do not have a specific budget, then Colorless D-G grades can definitely be one of the best options. In the case of diamonds, the more hue, the more attractive and the D-G colorless grade has a stunning sparkle and fire. But there are more choices, such as M, H, K, and M color diamonds.

5. Check the Level of Clarity

The oval cut is ideal to cover up imperfections in the diamond, specifically those that are located around the edges. This means you can easily find a beautiful oval-cut diamond without having to choose a diamond with high clarity. Diamonds with a high clarity rating are more costly than lower clarity ones. This means that you can reduce your costs by moving to a lower grade of clarity but without losing the beauty of the diamond.

In general, oval-cut diamonds make a great option for studs, earrings or pendants, but especially engagement rings. Utilize the suggestions above to discover a beautiful and beautiful round cut diamond.

After you’ve selected the diamond you want, you’ll be able to locate the perfect oval setting, and Sylvie Jewelry has a wide selection of options to choose from! Browse through our collection of engagement rings and pick the one you love best. Every Sylvie engagement ring can be personalized with an oval-shaped central center similar to the one shown below.